Member Spotlight – January 2022

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Member Spotlight

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Member Spotlight

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Lize Hayward is an achiever. According to the international bestseller book, “Now discover your strengths” her top five strengths are – achiever, focus, analytical, responsibility and discipline. She has an internal desire to achieve on a daily basis.

Please tell us more about what you do and how long you’ve been a freelancer.

I call myself a Business Communication Consultant. I support businesses with the execution of their communication strategies, aligned with the overall business strategy/vision. In a nutshell my work entails project management, being the editor of various business publications, and doing research and writing for various other communication tools such as press releases, social media, websites, flyers, emailers, etc.

I have a solid grounding in the business communication sphere with more than 25 years’ management experience in the corporate world – I established and successfully laid the foundations for two corporate communication departments at national and multi-national organisations. I left corporate employment and started my own freelance business after being retrenched eight years ago. This experience gave me a solid understanding of my current environment – both from the inside and outside.

What does a day in your life look like?

I start my day with physical exercises and a brisk walk – I have various routes in the neighbourhood. Once in the office, I have my brief quiet time, check the daily media and social media, before starting with the execution of my priorities already listed in my diary. I continuously plan and prioritise according to deadlines and changing circumstances. Every Sunday evening, I plan and prioritise for the week ahead. This enables me to start each day head-on, striving for ultimate productivity. I try to end my day with a brisk walk again.

Where/how do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in various ways – I do a lot of thinking while walking alone for exercise and in nature, I listen to podcasts, read, talk to people and I spend time with my Creator. I believe that it is important to surround yourself with positive people, things and experiences.

What advice do you have for other freelancers?

Service your customers to the best of your ability and maintain a lean and mean business – keeping it simple, productive and effective.

How long have you been a Safrean, and why are you a member of Safrea?

I joined Safrea when I started my own business eight years ago. I joined mainly for support from peers, value-add to my CV and to get access to Safrea’s annual Rates Survey, but I received so much more! If you are an active and involved member, serving on committees and giving of your time as a volunteer, you receive invaluable networking opportunities, support and exposure.

What is your work/life motto?

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” 

Read more about Lize here: or