Message from the Chair – July 2021

Message from the Chair – July 2021

Message from the Chair – July 2021

Message from the Chair – July 2021

by | Jul 21, 2021 | Message from the Exco

by | Jul 21, 2021 | Message from the Exco

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Dear Safreans,

For Safrea committees, the new year has just begun, and I am really excited about the commitment that has been shown and the progress that has already been made.

Our new deputy chair, Hush Naidoo, has taken on the responsibility of working with the regional chairs, and reports that we can expect a busy year in each of the regions. If you have not heard from your regional chair yet, please let us know because you will be missing out on the meetings and interactions that truly form the foundation of the Safrea network.

You will also start to see a lot more information from our newly formed professional development committee, headed by Alexis Grewen. There are some exciting plans in the pipeline. You will also have seen an email from Rob Louw asking for input on what your professional development priorities are. Please respond if possible, because we are only as good as your input allows us to be.

I apologise for not being able to introduce you to the Safrea committees in this newsletter because there are still a couple of logistical items in progress. However, you will be hearing from them on the Google group, and can look forward to a full introduction in our next newsletter.

Our photographer

This month’s featured photographer is Hush Naidoo. He can be followed on Instagram @Hushed_and_Jaded( Hush has over 30 years photography experience and started a visual solutions company Jade Photography in 2001. Thank you to Hush for the use of his images in this month’s newsletter.

Happy freelancing!

Lynne Smit

Safrea Chair